
Bleach Hair Salon

707 Arnold Avenue

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ08742

We are located on a main street in a downtown area. Please take this into consideration when planning your visit. Downtown Point Pleasant Beach is full of shopping, antiques, dining and more! The boardwalk and beach sit at the end of the street as well. Your hair appointment can easily be made into a fun day trip!



Street parking on Arnold Ave. is FREE and usually more available in the earlier or later hours of the day. Additionally, there is multiple FREE PARKING lots on the street, the most convenient being directly across from the salon between 718 and 710 Arnold Ave. (lot of Prime 13). There is also an entrance to this parking lot via Bay Ave.


Call us!

If you are having any trouble with parking or directions feel free to give us a call at 732-202-6122, we are happy to assist you!